Enhancing and expanding multilingual and multicultural education worldwide
We are a membership community of language education professionals passionate about expanding cultural richness and diversity at all levels of education. Together we provide 资源 to address challenges to meet the changing needs of language educators and their learners.
ACTFL’s innovative quality research, 标准, 星际网赌登录, professional development, and publications empower us to advance the practice of language learning. The influence of our work cascades through society one learner at a time.
提供视觉, leadership and support for quality teaching and learning of languages (adopted November, 2004).
ACTFL envisions an interconnected world where everyone benefits from and values a multilingual and multicultural education.
这是2023年通过的 行为准则 is intended to reflect the standard of professionalism to which we hold ourselves as ACTFL members, language educators and stakeholders.
Adopted in 2023, ACTFL's values represent the organization's core beliefs and principles
We cultivate relationships with internal and external groups to bring new 资源/opportunities to world languages. We facilitate dialogue and amplify voices across communities, languages, and instructional contexts. 与相关合作伙伴, we provide welcoming spaces for members of the language education community to share ideas and support each other.
We commit to intentional outreach to ensure all people feel welcomed, 订婚了, 和重视, 支持多样性, 股本, 和包容, and to increase transparency in our processes. We foster a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
We exemplify visionary leadership by offering cutting-edge programs and services, adapting to our changing environment, and consistently pursuing new opportunities when they arise.
We stand by our name and our commitment to high 标准 and continuous improvement. We provide trusted 资源. If we fall short of our own 标准, we hold ourselves accountable.
We are dedicated to the success of the profession. We believe in what we do and are committed to growth and advancement.
We are committed to delivering top- quality, 非常受人尊敬的, 和重视 products and services that elevate the professional ability and development of language educators.
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Meet the dedicated team of professionals here to support you!
Leading the strategic direction to advance the mission of ACTFL.
Made up of volunteer members, committees work to continuously improve ACTFL programming.
The five pillars of this plan ensure that initiatives propel us into a better future.
Since 1962 we have set industry 标准, established proficiency guidelines, advocated for language education funding, and connected colleagues across the globe
Start your ACTFL journey
我们广泛的项目, 资源, and passionate network of educators are here to support your professional goals.
Need Personal Assistance? 我们可以帮忙!
If you need personalized assistance or have any questions about anything ACTFL, we are standing by to assist! Call us at (703) 894-2900 or email us at headquarters@funtimebakingandcatering.com. A team member will be happy to assist you.